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The Coolest World电视剧

For as long as she can remember, Teng Xiao Xiao has dreamed of someday being awarded the prestigious Pulitzer Prize. Xiao Xiao has poured her heart and soul into her work, writing for a certain magazine, doing everything she can to make that dream a reality. But when the publication is suddenly bought out by a new media company, all of her hard work counts for naught. Kept on by the new management, Xiao Xiao still has a job but she’s been reduced to nothing more than a lowly intern. Forced to start her entire career over, Xiao Xiao must work her way from the ground up, again, if she’s ever going to make her dreams come true. Xiao Xiao musters every ounce of her strength and determination and gets to work with no other choice. By her side are a team of equally dedicated individuals, including Duan Chong and Lu Mang, who are both working hard to make their own dreams come true.

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