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After returning home from a traumatic tour of duty in Iraq, John findshimself struggling with PTSD. What little peace he had managed to buildaround him is shattered one fateful day when he rescues a local callgirl from a group of violent Aryan Brotherhood pimps. Having killedseveral of the high-ranking brotherhood during the rescue, John and hisfamily are now when he rescues a local callgirl from a group of violent Aryan Brotherhood pimps. Having killedseveral of the high-ranking brotherhood during the rescue, John and hisfamily are nowilledseveral of the high-ranking brotherhood during the rescue, John and hisfamily are now when he rescues a local callgirl from a group of violent Aryan Brotherhood pimps. Having killedseveral of the high-ranking brotherhood during the rescue, John and hisfamily are now the prime targets of Hollis, the ruthless criminal leaderof the group.

本站提供创伤电影在线观看完整版、手机在线播放mp4和迅雷下载地址,可用爱奇艺、优酷网、乐视网、腾讯视频、搜狐视频、百度云盘、百度网盘、创伤百度云资源和QVOD快播、吉吉影音、创伤西瓜影音等播放器免费在线观看 720p 1080p、BD、HD、中文版、国语版、中字英语版以及bt种子高清下载。 2015-05-07 14:46:39
